11 Elements Of 22306

Photo of 7713 Schelhorn Rd

22306 is a favorite among buyers who appreciate these facts.

  1. 22306 homes typically do not have garages.
  2. The average above grade living area in 22306 is 1,614 sq.ft.
  3. The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  4. Residents here are served by Belle View, Bucknell, Groveton, Hollin Meadows, Hybla Valley, Lake Anne, Mount Eagle, Riverside, Rose Hill, Stratford Landing, and Waynewood Elementary Schools.
  5. You might want to compare 22306 to Memorial Heights.
  6. Many were built in 1979.
  7. Commuters from 22306 have the benefit of metrorail bus – 1 mile, and airport – 2-5 miles.
  8. Properties in 22306 typically do have basements.
  9. Properties in 22306 typically have 1 to 7 bedrooms.
  10. Dominion, Edison, Hayfield, Hayfield, Mount Vernon, T.C. Williams, and West Potomac High Schools serves 22306.
  11. The average age of houses on the market in 22306 is 53 years.
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10 Real Estate Facts About 22304

Photo of 1283 van Dorn St

Does 22304 suit your needs?

  1. The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  2. 22304 provides exterior building maintenance, lawn maintenance, master insurance policy, management, other, parking fee, road maint, reserve funds, water, trash removal, and snow removal in the community fees.
  3. 22304 homes typically do have garages.
  4. The average age of townhouses on the market in 22304 is 24 years.
  5. You might want to compare 22304 to Landsdowne.
  6. Middle school children at 22304 attend Francis C Hammond, Francis C. Hammond, George Washington, Holmes, and Minnie Howard Middle Schools.
  7. Properties in 22304 typically have 1 to 10 bedrooms.
  8. Properties range from $132,880 to $2,995,000.
  9. Residents here are served by Bren Mar Park, Douglas Macarthur, James K. Polk, Jefferson-Houston, John Adams, Lyles-Crouch, Patrick Henry, Samuel W. Tucker, and Weyanoke Elementary Schools.
  10. Annandale, Edison, T.C. Williams, and Thomas Jefferson High Schools serves 22304.
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Facts That May Suprised You About Oakland Hall

Photo of 4910a Barbour Dr You probably already know that Oakland Hall is in City of Alexandria and Alexandria. This townhouse at 4910a Barbour Dr, Alexandria typifies aspects of homes we find in Oakland Hall. Let's check how 4910a Barbour Dr stacks up to other townhouses in Oakland Hall. 4910a Barbour Dr has 2 bedrooms but Oakland Hall townhouses here have up to 2 and as few as 2. If you buy a townhouse at Oakland Hall your association fee includes none. 100% of the townhouses selling in Oakland Hall have garages. The most expensive property for sale in Oakland Hall is 4910a Barbour Dr is at 429,900. (4910a Barbour Dr is advertised for sale at $429,900.) The average living area in Oakland Hall is 1,160 while 4910a Barbour Dr has 1,160 sqft of living space. The schools serving Oakland Hall include: Samuel W. Tucker Elementary School, Francis C. Hammond Middle School, T.C. Williams High School.

Also For Sale At Oakland Hall


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Nesbitt Realty Sells Houses At Reston

Nesbitt Realty is a family-run small business that appreciates the opportunity to serve your Northern Virginia real estate needs. If the time has come to sell your home, rest assured that Nesbitt Realty understands the unique challenges of selling houses at Reston in Reston, Virginia. Contact us today to get a free estimate of your Brick and Siding Contemporary’s value. We can also prepare a marketing plan to show you how we plan to get you the best price as quickly as possible. Did you know that in Reston: Continue reading

Eight Considerations About 22309

Photo of 3430 Little Hunting Creek Dr

There is no time like the present.

  • Properties in 22309 typically have 1 to 8 bedrooms.
  • Commuters from 22309 have the benefit of airport – 5-10 miles.
  • The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  • Middle school children at 22309 attend Carl Sandburg, George Mason, George Washington, Sandburg, and Whitman Middle Schools.
  • Properties range from $105,000 to $3,495,000.
  • The average above grade living area in 22309 is 1,690 sq.ft.
  • Properties in 22309 typically do have basements.
  • Mount Vernon, T.C. Williams, and West Potomac High Schools serves 22309.
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