Is A Home Like 5563 Seminary Rd #105 In Falls Church Even Possible For You?

Photo of 5563 Seminary Rd #105 Stuart Nesbitt is a local real estate professional and works hard everyday in and around condos in Falls Church, Virginia. 5563 Seminary Rd #105 is appears to be a smart purchase for many reasons. But Alan is not recommending you buy this property, or any particular condo in Fairfax County. At least, not until I know your goals. It's more important to me that we find the right condominium for you. Photo of 5563 Seminary Rd #105 Let's slow down to figure out your requirements so that you can realistically settle whether purchasing a 2-bedroom Colonial-style condominium in Fairfax County is for you. You have a lot of options in Fairfax County even if you're only interested in 22041. Photo of 5563 Seminary Rd #105 Your home purchase is your opportunity to find that one unique property for you. But to get what you want, you need to know what you want.
  1. Do you want upgraded features? Do you like SS appliances, granite counters, dual pane windows? Do you want a "green" home? Do you prefer a handyman special?
  2. Do you care about amenities? Condos at Savoy Park offer additional benefits from this community..
  3. Do you prefer hardwood floors? Do you prefer carpet or ceramic? Maybe floors aren't a big concern for you.
  4. Does the hot-water heater matter to you? Do you prefer gas or electric? The most common hot-water heater at Savoy Park is natural gas.
  5. How many bedrooms do you need? 5563 Seminary Rd #105 is a 2-bedroom condo.
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Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

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