Featured Rentals

Take a gander at what was recently listed for rent in 22030 in Fairfax. Photo of 11506 Sperrin Cir #302 {Summary}

Rentals in Focus

If you need an agent contact Monika.

How old are rental homes on the market in Fairfax County?

Recently built (2018 - 2021)27 Active
Newer (2012 - 2017)20 Active
21st Century (2003 - 2011)71 Active
Millennial (1998 - 2002)50 Active
Late 20th Century (1983 - 1999)191 Active
Mid 20th Century (1938 - 1982)263 Active
Early 20th Century (1900 - 1937)3 Active
19th Century (1800 - 1899)1 Active
[Or select your rental own criteria.] Speak to a real estate professional at (703)765-0300.

Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.

View posts by Nesbitt Realty , a family business serving real estate needs in Northern VA.