Have You Prioritized Your Needs On A Modest 1-Bedroom Condominium In 22314?

Photo of 1301 E Abingdon Dr #5 I think 1301 E Abingdon Dr #5 is a very interestingcondo in Alexandria . It's probably a good value. However, I can't recommend you buy this property right now. That's because, my goal isn't to sell you this property. My goal is to find the right property for you. Let's pause to learn your needs so that you can realistically decide whether purchasing a 1-bedroom Unit/Flat, Loft with Bedrooms, Bi-level-style condo in Alexandria, Virginia is for you. You have a lot of options in Alexandria even if you're only focusing on 22314. A few of your options include:
  1. Homes around 1301 E Abingdon Dr #5 were built around 1944. Does the age of the building matter to you?
  2. Maybe you should rent? Do you like to live in a neighborhood with a lot rentals? Do you prefer to live in a neighborhood with few rentals? Currently for rent at Harbor Terrace
  3. Do you need a garage? None of the condos in this condo community have a garage.
  4. How important is it that you stay in 22314? Have you considered neighboring areas?
  5. Do you care about amenities? Properties at Harbor Terrace offer additional benefits from this community..
I'd love to chat about your condominium priorities. It would be my honor and pleasure to help you realize your real estate dreams. Nesbitt Realty agents are full-time, local, knowledgeable long-time residents.

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