Listings Similar To 10074 Daniels Run Way In 22030 That Have Sold At Farrcroft

Photo of 10074 Daniels Run Way Do you have a home similar to 10074 Daniels Run Way in the City of Fairfax that won't sell? Did you know that in Farrcroft:
  • the average number of days on the market is 1.
  • the most expensive place on the market is 10074 Daniels Run Way.
  • the least expensive detached home on the market is 10074 Daniels Run Way.
  • 10074 Daniels Run Way is currently listed for $1,049,000.
For various homeowners, a abode that won't sell can cause desperation! A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • What's the average days on market in your place?
  • Is it time to think about changing representation?
  • How does your listing look compared with the places priced similarly?

Recently Sold At Farrcroft

Here are a few reasons detached homes similar to 10074 Daniels Run Way in Fairfax will sometimes have no real buyers:
  • Photos — If your listing has yet to sell, you may want to revisit the photos you’re using to present it on the MLS.
  • Floor plan — Strange or awkward floorplans may also make a home linger, such as older homes where you have to walk through a bedroom to get to a second bedroom,.
  • First Impression — Let's face it: a few homes are not attractive when you first gaze upon them.
  • Parking — A difficult driveway or a home without good parking can be slow to sell.
These are problems we’ve seen before and challenges we know how to overcome. Are you mulling over the idea of selling your detached home in Farrcroft? If so, it's wise to find out about what detached homes not far from your home have recently sold for. Sold detached homes can give a real estate seller an idea what the seller's own residence will fetch. Reach out to Nesbitt Realty to get a free and more accurate assessment of your home's value. I can also prepare a marketing plan to reveal to you how we plan to get you the best price as quickly as possible. Our small business gets big results. Nesbitt Realty is your real estate resource in Northern Virginia.

Nesbitt Realty

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Nesbitt Realty serves buyers, sellers, renters and landlords in Northern Virginia & the Shenandoah Valley.