Homes That Have Recently Sold At Newington Forest — But Mine Hasn't? What's The Problem?

Photo of 8766 Cold Plain Ct Do you have a residence similar to 8766 Cold Plain Ct in Fairfax County that isn't getting any action? Did you know that in Newington Forest:
  • the average number of days on the market is 16.
  • the most expensive home on the market is 8495 Rainbow Bridge Ln.
  • the least expensive abode on the market is 8443 Sugar Creek Ln.
  • 8766 Cold Plain Ct is currently listed for $525,000.
If you have yet to find a buyer, it's important to take a step back and assess exactly why your property isn't selling. A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • Does the current market favor buyers or sellers?
  • How does your listing look compared with the places priced similarly?
  • What kind of feedback is your detached getting?

Recently Sold At Newington Forest

8173 Willowdale Ct
8173 Willowdale Ct $320,000 SOLD!
8305 White Star Ct
8305 White Star Ct $425,000 SOLD!
8283 Wold den Ct
8283 Wold den Ct $539,950 SOLD!
Here are a couple of reasons places will sometimes have no buyers:
  • First Impression — Let's face it: some homes are not attractive when you first gaze upon them.
  • Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
  • Unreasonable price — The toughest pill to swallow, but sometimes this is the problem.
  • Neighbors — Are your neighbors making it difficult to sell?
These are problems we’ve seen before and challenges we know how to overcome. Are you considering selling your home in Newington Forest? If so, it's wise to know what homes near your home have recently sold for. Sold properties can give a real estate seller an idea what the seller's own detached will fetch. Talk to Julie Nesbitt to learn more about Julie Nesbitt's plan to market your detached. Julie Nesbitt is also happy to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your property's market value.

Julie Nesbitt

View posts by Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt is an ABR who has served buyers in some of Alexandria’s most exclusive neighborhoods.  She is a top producing agent who has listed and sold property in Northern Virginia. In addition to helping folks buy, sell and rent property in Northern Virginia, Julie is the primary administrator of the property management services performed by Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. Call Julie at (703)765-0300.