Why Isn’t My Detached In 22032 In Fairfax Selling?

Photo of 9817 Limoges Dr Do you have a detached in Northern Virginia that hasn't sold? Did you know that in Somerset:
  • the average number of days on the market is 16.
  • the most expensive detached on the market is 9817 Limoges Dr.
  • the least expensive place of residence on the market is 10605 Busick Ct.
  • 9817 Limoges Dr is currently listed for $674,500.
If you have yet to find a buyer, it's important to take a step back and assess exactly why your place of residence isn't selling. A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • Is the price right?
  • Is your residence listed on your local multiple listing service?
  • What kind of feedback is your detached getting?

Recently Sold At Somerset

$495,000 at Somerset SOLD!
$419,000 at Somerset SOLD!
$349,000 at Somerset SOLD!
$565,000 at Somerset SOLD!
Here are some reasons homes similar to 9817 Limoges Dr in Fairfax will sometimes have no real buyers:
  • Parking — A difficult driveway or a home without good parking can be slow to sell.
  • Photos — If your listing has yet to sell, you may want to revisit the photos you’re using to present it on the MLS.
  • Odor — The majority of detacheds have an odor that the owner doesn't even know aware of.
  • Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
These are problems we’ve seen before and challenges we know how to overcome. Are you reflecting on the thought of selling your dwelling in Somerset? If so, it's judicious to compare what properties have sold for in the surrounding section. Those places can give a seller an idea of the list price for your 5-bedroom 3-baths ranch/rambler detached. Talk to Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about his plans to market your place of residence. Stuart is also happy to prepare a free and accurate estimate of your dwelling's market value.
Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt

Charity W.

View posts by Charity W.
Charity W. is a professional and skilled writer with a diploma in Mass Communication. When she is not glued to her computer screen, Charity spends her time reading, traveling, and watching movies. She is an expert on Arlington Virginia and keeps current with local events and occurrences.