Residences That Have Sold At Newington Commons

Are you a real estate seller with a residence similar to 8404 Cacapon Ct in Fairfax County that just isn't selling? Did you know that in Newington Commons:
  • the average number of days on the market is 3.
  • the most expensive home on the market is 8404 Cacapon Ct.
  • the least expensive place on the market is 8404 Cacapon Ct.
  • 8404 Cacapon Ct is currently listed for $295,500.
If your abode has been listed for sale for months with no action, the first factor you want to consider is the market. A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • Is your residence listed on your local multiple listing service?
  • What's the average days on market in your neighborhood?
  • What kind of feedback is your residence getting?

Recently Sold At Newington Commons

8779 Susquehanna St
8779 Susquehanna St SOLD!
Here are several reasons townhouses similar to 8404 Cacapon Ct in Lorton will sometimes have no real buyers:
  • First Impression — Let's face it: several homes are not attractive when you first gaze upon them.
  • Photos — If your listing has yet to sell, you may want to revisit the photos you’re using to present it on the MLS.
  • Parking — A difficult driveway or a townhouse without good parking can be slow to sell.
  • Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
These are problems we’ve seen before and challenges we know how to overcome. When the time comes to market your townhouse in Newington Commons, it's intelligent to take into account what properties have sold at Newington Commons in Lorton, Virginia. That can give a seller a starting point for determining your 2-bedroom property's value. Phone Will Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your dwelling's value. No one knows more about the local real estate market than Nesbitt Realty.
Will Nesbitt
Will Nesbitt


View posts by Maryam
Maryam N. is a Senior Writer at Nesbitt Realty. She is an expert on Fairfax County. Maryam has also worked previously as a geologist. She is a foodie and enjoys cooking and exploring new restaurants.