A Bit Of Trepidation About Putting Up $900,000 In Carters Grove

When you're place buying, it's a good idea to proceed with caution. Some of the areas of concern are: Photo of 9342 Campbell Rd
  1. You might not have enough money for a down payment on a conventional loan. Benjamin Schulze has resources that can provide alternative financing with little or no money down.
  2. The average days on market in Carters Grove is 60. Do you know if this advantages you, or disadvantages you in negotiations? Benjamin Schulze has the experience to position you to get the home you want.
  3. Another mistake that property hunters sometimes make is that they don't think about resale value. An even worse mistake is to think about resale value but not consult with a professional. An expert in Northern Virginia real estate like Benjamin Schulze can help you plan one step ahead.
So is 9342 Campbell Rd the right $900,000 listing for you? How would you like Nesbitt Realty to rebate you $5,602 on this real estate purchase? Are you searching for a $900,000 4-bedroom home in Vienna? Do you need 3 full baths and 0 half baths? Are you looking for a $900,000 property in Northern Virginia? Can you afford $900,000? Is it actually worth $950,000 or $850,000?
Gorgeous 4 bed/ 3 bath home on an amazing 1.6 acre lot in Wolftrap Elementary school district! Live here now or build your dream home on one of the most affordable and private 1.5+ acre lots in Vienna! Want to settle in now? You’ll love the … [Read more]
Photo of 9342 Campbell Rd
4 beds, 3 full baths Home size: 1248 Added: 05/23/19, Last Updated: 07/19/2019 Property Type: Detached for Sale MLS Number: VAFX1063694 Subdivision: Carters Grove
It's impossible for this post to tell if this is the best choice of place of residence for you, but Ben can guide you to fill in the blanks so you can make your own best decision.  If you're interested in purchasing a detached in Vienna, Virginia, it might be wise to also check out:
Nesbitt Realty has received numerous awards and recognitions for client satisfaction because we get results that make our clients happy.


View posts by Maryam
Maryam N. is a Senior Writer at Nesbitt Realty. She is an expert on Fairfax County. Maryam has also worked previously as a geologist. She is a foodie and enjoys cooking and exploring new restaurants.