“Despite Recent Sales Of Units At Rotonda In 22102, My Residence Hasn’t Sold!”

Do you have a residence in 22102 that hasn't sold? Photo of 8370 Greensboro Dr #1012 Did you know that in Rotonda:
  • the average number of days on the market is 26.
  • the most expensive property on the market is 8370 Greensboro Dr #1012.
  • the least expensive abode on the market is 8370 Greensboro Dr #502.
  • 8370 Greensboro Dr #1012 is currently listed for $679,000.
For a number of sellers, a place of residence that won't sell can cause desperation! A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • What kind of feedback is your abode getting?
  • Is it time to think about changing representation?
  • Is your dwelling listed on your local multiple listing service?

Recently Sold At Rotonda

$450,000 at Rotonda SOLD!
$475,000 at Rotonda SOLD!
$529,999 at Rotonda SOLD!
$649,000 at Rotonda SOLD!
Here are a few reasons homes will sometimes have no offers:
  • Floor plan — Strange or awkward floorplans may also make a home linger, such as older homes where you have to walk through a bedroom to get to a second bedroom,.
  • Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
  • Unreasonable price — The toughest pill to swallow, but once in a blue moon this is the problem.
  • Photos — If your listing has yet to sell, you may want to revisit the photos you’re using to present it on the MLS.
These are problems we’ve seen before and the challenges we know how to overcome. When the time comes to sell your home in Rotonda, it's wise to know what units have sold at Rotonda in 22102. That can give a real estate seller a starting point for determining your super luxury unit's value. Call Will Nesbitt to get a free and more accurate assessment of your home's value.
Will Nesbitt
Will Nesbitt
Nesbitt Realty is a family-run real estate brokerage located in Northern Virginia.


View posts by Maryam
Maryam N. is a Senior Writer at Nesbitt Realty. She is an expert on Fairfax County. Maryam has also worked previously as a geologist. She is a foodie and enjoys cooking and exploring new restaurants.