Why Isn’t My Place In 22079 In Lorton Selling?

Do you have a property similar to 7620 Wiley Dr in Lorton that just isn't selling? Did you know that in Wiley:
  • the average number of days on the market is 7.
  • the most expensive abode on the market is 7620 Wiley Dr.
  • the least expensive detached on the market is 7620 Wiley Dr.
  • 7620 Wiley Dr is currently listed for $500,000.
Does the current market favor buyers or sellers? This is an important question that a hard-working Realtor can answer. A few questions to ask your agent include:
  • How does your listing look compared with the places priced similarly?
  • Since the day you listed, what residences have accepted offers, how many days did it take, and what price were they asking?
  • What's the average days on market in your area?

Recently Sold At Wiley

WOW! Single family home has been remodeled throughout on* One-Half Acre * No HOA in Fairfax County!! Upgraded electrical and plumbing.
10508 Midway Ln
HDWD floors (Living Room & Bedrooms) Newer bath w/ massage shower panel and an updated bathroom with subway tile/massage shower panel. Updated big country style kitchen-cathedral ceiling w/ exposed beams, granite countertop & backsplash, and Italian cabinets. Newer water heater and air conditioner. Huge patio for grilling with polycarbonate roof and 2 big SHEDS, one w/ electric. Feels like country living but close to everything so you can enjoy both worlds * country/city * - few minutes to I 95, Lorton VRE, Fort Belvoir, stores/restaurants, wonderful state parks/Potomac River and close to AMAZON HQ2. Home Warranty! [Wiley - $370,000] SOLD!
Here are a few reasons homes similar to 7620 Wiley Dr in Lorton will sometimes have no real buyers:
  • First Impression — Let's face it: a couple of homes are not attractive when you first gaze upon them.
  • Floor plan — Strange or awkward floorplans may also make a home linger, such as older residences where you have to walk through a bedroom to get to a second bedroom,.
  • Decor — Neutral decor doesn't excite anyone, but flashy decor can distract home buyers.
  • Location — Every location has a buyer, but once in a blue moon it takes a while to find THAT buyer
These are problems we’ve seen before and challenges we know how to overcome. Are you considering selling your detached in Wiley? If so, it's appropriate to investigate what residences have sold for in the local section. Those homes can give a detached seller an idea of the list price for your $500,000 4-bedroom residence. Call Ronald Ginyard, Sr. to get a free and more accurate assessment of your residence's value. Ronald Ginyard, Sr. can also prepare a marketing plan to reveal to you how we plan to get you the best price as quickly as possible.


View posts by Maryam
Maryam N. is a Senior Writer at Nesbitt Realty. She is an expert on Fairfax County. Maryam has also worked previously as a geologist. She is a foodie and enjoys cooking and exploring new restaurants.