Does Nesbitt Realty Offer A Military Home Buyer Credit Of $4,259 On 4516 Millburn Ct Alexandria VA 22309?

Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct Julie Nesbitt is here to aid you if you are deliberating the possibility of purchasing a property. Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct One of the best things about a VA Loan is that you can borrow 100% of the property's value. If you are buying and you have a military connection, one of your biggest hurdles you'll need to clear is your funds to close. That’s true whether you’re thinking about a home such as this detached at 4516 Millburn Ct or any other property like this, but here's the good news: Julie can assist with your funds for your closing costs. Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct What does that mean exactly? Consider this fact: if Julie is your Realtor when you buy a detached like 4516 Millburn Ct, then Julie will pay a down-payment credit for service members of $4,259 toward your cash for your closing costs. It's expected that details and restrictions apply. For example, this is a limited time offer.

We're here to help.

Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct Julie is a professional ace on real estate like this detached at 4516 Millburn Ct. Julie is an important part of a family-run business. We love what we do. Additionally, Nesbitt Realty will pay a credit for military buyers of $4,259 toward your closing costs. Please contact Julie Nesbitt for learn more about our credit or 4516 Millburn Ct. Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct 4516 Millburn Ct, Alexandria VA 22309 || $715,000 Photo of 4516 Millburn Ct 4516 Millburn Ct, Alexandria VA 22309 || $715,000   More about A Alexandria PCS  
Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt

Jodi Ann

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Jodi has been trained in Data Entry, Operations Management and Administrative tasks. She also holds a Bachelors Degree in Banking and Finance with a hope of pursuing a Masters in Banking and Finance. She is a senior writer for Nesbitt Realty and an expert on Alexandria Virginia. Outside of work, Jodi enjoys spending time with her son and her family.