Five Aspects To Love About Runnymeade

Photo of 6008 Knights Ridge Way

Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt

Stuart Nesbitt always has your priorities in mind, and is willing to give suggestions based on expertise with 22310. Contact Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about real estate in Fairfax County. Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.

We’ve been telling buyers that Runnymeade can be a right section.

  1. Runnymeade homes typically do not have garages.
  2. The average above grade living area in Runnymeade is 1,673 sq.ft.
  3. Middle school children at Runnymeade attend Twain Middle School.
  4. Properties range from $459,900 to $465,000.
  5. Residents here are served by Bush Hill Elementary School.

Properties in Runnymeade

$465,000 at Runnymeade
$459,900 at Runnymeade

Questions, comments, concerns?

Call us at (703)765-0300 or email us using this form. We’re happy to help you achieve your real estate goals.

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Nesbitt Inspirational
There is no substitute for hard work. -Thomas A. Edison

Stuart Nesbitt

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Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.