9 Facts Of Forty Six Hundred

Photo of 4600 Duke St #1514

Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt

Stuart Nesbitt is tireless, very familiar with real estate in Alexandria, and seems to have an intuitive feel for finding exactly what the client is looking for. Contact Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about real estate in Alexandria. Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.

How well do you really know Forty Six Hundred?

  1. T.C. Williams High School serves Forty Six Hundred.
  2. The most popular style of property on the market today is Other.
  3. You might want to compare Forty Six Hundred to Park Place.
  4. Many were built in 1967.
  5. Properties in Forty Six Hundred typically do not have basements.
  6. The average above grade living area in Forty Six Hundred is 1,084 sq.ft.
  7. Forty Six Hundred provides air conditioning, electricity, exterior building maintenance, gas, heat, management, sewer, trash removal, snow removal, and water in the community fees.
  8. Properties range from $110,000 to $229,900.
  9. Middle school children at Forty Six Hundred attend Francis C Hammond, and Francis C. Hammond Middle Schools.

Properties in Forty Six Hundred

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$110,000 in Northern Virginia

2500 van Dorn St #918

$109,000 in Alexandria

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Kim Nesbitt and Julie Nesbitt
Kim Nesbitt and Julie Nesbitt

Stuart Nesbitt

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Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.