Five Considerations About 22309

Photo of 8213 Hocking Pl

It’s not hard to see why people like 22309.

  1. Residents here are served by Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon Woods, Mt Vernon Woods, Riverside, Washington Mill, Woodburn, Woodlawn, and Woodley Hills Elementary Schools.
  2. Properties range from $105,000 to $3,495,000.
  3. You might want to compare 22309 to Thornrose.
  4. Properties in 22309 typically have 1 to 8 bedrooms.
  5. Middle school children at 22309 attend Carl Sandburg, George Mason, George Washington, Sandburg, and Whitman Middle Schools.

Properties in Mt Vernon Valley


We’re always happy to chat. Call us at (703)765-0300 for a personal consultation.  You can also email us at [email protected]. Nesbitt Realty Our family business lives, works and plays here and we appreciate the opportunity to help you achieve your real estate goals. For buying or selling at 22309 contact us.

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Julie Nesbitt

View posts by Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt is an ABR who has served buyers in some of Alexandria’s most exclusive neighborhoods.  She is a top producing agent who has listed and sold property in Northern Virginia. In addition to helping folks buy, sell and rent property in Northern Virginia, Julie is the primary administrator of the property management services performed by Nesbitt Realty and Condo Alexandria. Call Julie at (703)765-0300.