11 Elements Of 22306

Photo of 7713 Schelhorn Rd

22306 is a favorite among buyers who appreciate these facts.

  1. 22306 homes typically do not have garages.
  2. The average above grade living area in 22306 is 1,614 sq.ft.
  3. The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  4. Residents here are served by Belle View, Bucknell, Groveton, Hollin Meadows, Hybla Valley, Lake Anne, Mount Eagle, Riverside, Rose Hill, Stratford Landing, and Waynewood Elementary Schools.
  5. You might want to compare 22306 to Memorial Heights.
  6. Many were built in 1979.
  7. Commuters from 22306 have the benefit of metrorail bus – 1 mile, and airport – 2-5 miles.
  8. Properties in 22306 typically do have basements.
  9. Properties in 22306 typically have 1 to 7 bedrooms.
  10. Dominion, Edison, Hayfield, Hayfield, Mount Vernon, T.C. Williams, and West Potomac High Schools serves 22306.
  11. The average age of houses on the market in 22306 is 53 years.

Properties in Hybla Valley Farms

Nesbitt Realty (Main Office) 1451 Belle Haven Rd. #222 Alexandria VA 22307 LICENSED IN VIRGINIA 703 765 0300 888 783 6391 (fax) Nesbitt Realty is a mom-and-pop real estate shop! For buying or selling at 22306 contact us.

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7713 Schelhorn Rd
4 beds, 3 full baths Home size: 1,760 sq.ft. Lot Size: 33,901 sq.ft. Added: 05/24/17, Last Updated: 05/24/2017
Property Type: Residential Detached for Sale MLS Number: FX9956377 Subdivision: Hybla Valley Farms

Stuart Nesbitt

View posts by Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.