Tips for picking the right neighborhood

homes in Bucknell range from renovated to rebuilt
Old growth neighborhood
When considering a potential new residence it's important to think about the neighborhood and surrounding amenities that are close by. Make a list of all of the amenities or services that are nearby or close to the neighborhood and track how long it takes as well as what routes you might use to get to each. You can also check the Walk Score of a neighborhood for a short-hand look at convenience. Next, decide what the best characteristics of the neighborhoods are and determine what you like about them. Making a list of each neighborhood you are considering can be particularly helpful later when comparing different localities. Some things to ask yourself include:
  • Do the people in the surrounding neighborhood seem friendly?
  • Are the neighboring residences clean or well-kept? (e.g. yards and streets nearby)
  • Are there parks or other recreational facilities close by or within minimal driving distance?
  • Is the area scenic and/or visually appealing?
  • Are there trees and similar foliage lining the streets and in neighboring yards?
  • Are the streets well lit and do the sidewalks provide easy access?
  • Do you feel safe in the neighborhood and would you feel safe walking after dark?
  • Are there other houses for sale nearby?
  • What is the history about the community and how it developed?
    Husband and wife walk in Del Ray
    Husband and wife walk in Del Ray
  • Do you see families and children in the surrounding residences?
  • What is the proximity to schools and your place of work?
  • Does the community and neighborhood seem active and/or engaged?
  • What is the median age-range of those who live in the neighborhood?
Finally, really spend some time walking around and observing the neighborhood you're considering. When trying to determine the safety, cleanliness and personality of a specific neighborhood, simply spending some honest time getting to know the area and meeting or talking to some of its residents is your best bet! For more information or to set up an appointment call Nesbitt Realty at (703)765-0300.

What does a property’s Walk Score score mean?

Will and Julie Nesbitt cross the street in Shirlington
Will and Julie Nesbitt cross the street in Shirlington
Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc. Walk Score promises to measure how easy it is to live a car-lite lifestyle---not how pretty the area is for walking. Each home listed for sale is given a Walk Score. That number is between 0 and 100. Here are general guidelines for interpreting your score:
  • 90–100 = Walkers' Paradise: Most errands can be accomplished on foot and many people can get by without owning a car.
  • 70–89 = Very Walkable: It's possible to get by without owning a car.
  • 50–69 = Somewhat Walkable: Some stores and amenities are within walking distance, but many everyday trips still require a bike, public transportation, or car.
  • 25–49 = Car-Dependent: Only a few destinations are within easy walking range. For most errands, driving or public transportation is a must.
  • 0–24 = Car-Dependent (Driving Only): Virtually no neighborhood destinations within walking range. You can walk from your house to your car!

Walk Score isn't perfect ...

Home buyers need to be aware that Walk Score is just an approximation of walkability.
An evening of Fall in Del Ray
Walking to a restaurant on a Fall evening in Del Ray
For example, the Skyline communities of Falls Church generally have a higher Walk Score than the New Alexandria community of Belle View. River Towers has pleasant tree-lined walkways with easy access to neighborhood shops, parks, libraries, the Potomac. Skyline Square is convenient as can be, but broad and busy 4 lane roads make walking inconvenient, if not dangerous. But River Towers doesn't score as high on Walk Score as Skyline Square. So, there are a number of factors that contribute to walkability that are not part of the algorithm used to calculate Walk Score:
  • Public transit: Good public transit is important for walkable neighborhoods. Not to fear: you can also search for homes near a metro station.
  • Street width and block length: Narrow streets slow down traffic. Short blocks provide more routes to the same destination and make it easier to take a direct route.
  • Street design: Sidewalks and safe crossings are essential to walkability. Appropriate automobile speeds, trees, and other features also help.
  • Safety from crime and crashes: How much crime is in the neighborhood? How many traffic accidents are there? Are streets well-lit?
  • Pedestrian-friendly community design: Are buildings close to the sidewalk with parking in back? Are destinations clustered together?
  • Topography: Hills can make walking difficult, especially if you're carrying groceries.
  • Freeways and bodies of water: Freeways can divide neighborhoods. Swimming is harder than walking.
  • Weather: In some places it's just too hot or cold to walk regularly.
    Will and Julie
    Walking near Cameron Mews in Old Town Alexandria
Thus, the tools on our site are a great starting point in your search for homes and neighborhoods of Northern Virginia, but there really is no substitute for your Condo Alexandria realtor. We know the areas and neighborhoods where you want to live and we can really help you sort to the wheat from the chaff.

The Theory of Progression and Regression

homes in Bucknell range from renovated to rebuilt
Old growth neighborhood
The economic theory of "Progression and Regression" states that building a home that is valued substantially above other properties in the same neighborhood will most likely cause the newly built home to value downward toward the other properties.  This is sometimes called "overbuilding" because sometimes a homeowner will put additions or improvements on his home that are substantially better than his neighbors. But the theory is called progression and regression because a home that is in a diminished condition in a better neighborhood will command a higher value.  Additionally it is possible for a neighborhood to reach a tipping point. In other words, if enough of your neighbors "overbuild" your house could increase in value due to the increase in value of the neighborhood. In Northern Virginia, we see this in many neighborhoods in and close to Alexandria and Arlington.  For example,  in Del Ray, older working-class homes have been replaced by or improved to become pricier and much more luxurious. Lyon Park and the area surrounding Belle Haven is not the same neighborhood that I remember as a child.  Both of these areas have become much more exclusive. Are you looking for new construction in Northern VA?

New Construction

For more information or to set up an appointment call Nesbitt Realty at (703)765-0300.

What is a “Cape Cod”?

drawing of a Cape Cod style home
Some of the first houses built in the United States were Cape Cods. The original colonial Cape Cod homes were shingle-sided, one-story cottages with no dormers. During the mid-20th century, the small, uncomplicated Cape Cod shape became popular in suburban developments. A 20th-century Cape Cod is square or rectangular with one or one-and-a-half stories and steeply pitched, gabled roofs. It may have dormers and shutters. The siding is usually clapboard or brick.
Here's a Cape Cod made of stone.
There are many neighborhoods filled with Cape Cods in Northern Virginia. Often these homes were built just after WW2 for soldiers returning from the war, but many were built as late as 1960 and some continue to be built today.  If you'd like to see a neighborhood of mature Cape Cods, many with additions, you might want to explore Bucknell Manor.   For more information or to set up an appointment call Nesbitt Realty at (703)765-0300.

Nottoway Park in Vienna VA- Weekend Fun in Fairfax County

The Parks and Recreation system in Fairfax County, Virginia, is the primary public instrument for the preservation of natural land and environmentally sensitive resources in Fairfax County. Nottoway Park is one of the assets of the Fairfax County Park System. Nottoway Park is located at 9601 Courthouse Road in Vienna, Virginia. Local residents can enjoy tennis, basketball and volleyball recreational facilities, as well as garden, picnic, and fitness trails. For those who enjoy a quieter atmosphere, a stroll through the densely wooded nature paths provide for a solitary and peaceful surrounding. The tennis courts and picnic shelters can be reserved for a small fee by calling 703-938-7532. During the summer season, Nottoway Park hosts a summer concert series entitled Nottoway Nights where locals can enjoy free, weekly public concerts featuring a variety of musical ensembles from international and nationally acclaimed artists. Of the 416 parks in Fairfax County, Nottoway Park provides special opportunities to sustain healthy and wholesome living by developing positive life-style and recreational interests.
  • Julie Nesbitt

    Julie Nesbitt
    Julie Nesbitt knows the back trails and by-ways of Northern Virginia real estate.

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  • Enjoying Winkler Botanical Preserve

    We had a great time walking the trails. 

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  • Don’t take chances with real estate.

  • REDUCED: 7202 Churchill Rd, McLean

    Open House, Sunday, 1-4 BIG PRICE DROP! 7202 CHURCHILL ROADMcLean, VA 221016 Bedrooms5.5 Bathrooms6,752 SF $1,695,000

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  • Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services

    Fairfax County
    Established in 1974 with a mission to reduce homelessness, increase community support and promote self sufficiency, the Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services is operated by a multi-denominational board of directors and staff managing over 70 housing units. Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services is located in the Mount Zephyr Business Center at 8305 Richmond…

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For more information or to set up an appointment call Stuart at (703)765-0300.  

9 Tips to Guide for Your Home Search

1. Research before you look. Decide what features you most want to have in a home, what neighborhoods you prefer, and how much you’d be willing to spend each month for housing.
Midtown Alexandria Station
entrance to Midtown Alexandria Station condos
2. Be realistic. It’s OK to be picky, but don’t be unrealistic with your expectations. There’s no such thing as a perfect home. Use your list of priorities as a guide to evaluate each property. 3. Get your finances in order. Review your credit report and be sure you have enough money to cover your down payment and closing costs. Then, talk to a lender and get prequalified for a mortgage. This will save you the heartache later of falling in love with a house you can’t afford. 4. Don’t ask too many people for opinions. It will drive you crazy. Select one or two people to turn to if you feel you need a second opinion, but be ready to make the final decision on your own. 5. Decide your moving timeline. When is your lease up? Are you allowed to sublet? How tight is the rental market in your area? All of these factors will help you determine when you should move. 6. Think long term. Are you looking for a starter house with plans to move up in a few years, or do you hope to stay in this home for a longer period? This decision may dictate what type of home you’ll buy as well as the type of mortgage terms that will best suit you. 7. Insist on a home inspection. If possible, get a warranty from the seller to cover defects for one year.
Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt
8. Get help from a REALTOR®. Hire a real estate professional who specializes in buyer representation. Unlike a listing agent, whose first duty is to the seller, a buyer’s representative is working only for you. Buyer’s reps are usually paid out of the seller’s commission payment. 9. Check out Nesbitt Realty. Our search tools and tips are among the best you'll find in Northern Virginia.

Buying in Northern Virginia?

Buуіng a hоuѕе in {Location_Name} іѕ both а wonderful and gratifying task. Yоu mау nееd tо juggle competing prioritieѕ іn оrdеr tо ensure thаt you get the results you want. Although it's great to buy a home, hоmе buуіng саn bесоmе a reason for ѕtrеѕѕ аnd аnxіеtу in many реорlе. However, іf buy with a Nesbitt Realty agent, we can take all the stress out of the process. Our agents know where and how to find the best properties for your needs. Our agents are experienced with deep local connections. And we can save you thousands on your purchase. Contact Nesbitt Realty to learn more about  your choices in {Location_Name}. [Learn more about buying with Nesbitt Realty]  

Waterfront Street Performance Entertainment

The waterfront is a host to a variety of street performances. Within walking distance of this entertainment are several condo's and neighborhoods. The waterfront near the Torpedo Factory is a great place for the family. The entertainment ranges from magic, music, portraits, balloons, etc.

Properties in Torpedo Factory

Do you work with properties other than condos?

Because we do business as Condo Alexandria, I'm often asked: do you only work with condos? The answer is of course: no. Condo Alexandria works with all types of real estate in the Commonwealth of Virginia. But we do fill several niches and have expertise in a few specific areas that might be of interest to you.
home in Belle Haven
brick home in Belle Haven
Condo Alexandria serves the condo market in Alexandria (mainly in the West End and Old Town), Crystal City, Pentagon City, Arlington, Fairfax County, and Kingstowne. Our focus these days is on buyers and landlords. As a buyer's agent we are well equipped to find the property that suits you needs and make the sale proceed smoothly and quickly. As property manager we take the hassle out of being a landlord. We of course have listings for sale but if the time isn't right to sell, we'll let you know and advise you of your best options. Condo Alexandria also does business as Nesbitt Realty. In the capacity as Nesbitt Realty, we focus on homes and properties near our offices and homes. Our agents and I have particularly good insight in Alexandria especially around Bucknell and Belle Haven, but also in Kingstowne and Old Town. These neighborhoods have condos, but they also have single family homes and town houses. If you have questions or if I can be of service, please don't hesitate to contact me! If you need help finding properties please help yourself to our fast and free database of properties that are currently on the market. The number of listings that are available can sometimes be overwhelming, so feel free to contact me if you'd like for us to do the search.
Photo of Will Nesbitt of Condo Alexandria
Will Nesbitt of Condo Alexandria
Will Nesbitt is the Principal Broker of Condo Alexandria / Nesbitt Realty.

Transportation Costs Hurt Housing Affordability

Huntington Metro
Huntington Metro
A new study contends that only 39 percent of U.S. communities are affordable for typical households when the cost of transportation is included in the calculation of housing costs. The Center for Neighborhood Technology analyzed the Housing + Transportation Affordability Index, which examined 161,000 neighborhoods housing 80 percent of the U.S. population, and concluded that for most families, transportation is the second-largest household expense. It is also a fairly unmanageable one, the study concluded, because it is difficult for families to estimate the full cost of a location before they move there. Gas prices and employment demands aren’t very predictable for many. Factors that can help people control transportation costs include walkable neighborhood streets, access to public transit, and nearby retail. Source: Center for Neighborhood Technology (03/23/2010)

Walk Score includes public transportation!

Walk Score helps people find walkable places to live. Walk Score calculates the walkability of an address by locating nearby stores, restaurants, schools, parks, etc. Walk Score attempts to numerically measure how easy it is to live a car-lite lifestyle---not how pretty the area is for walking. If you're looking for a walkable area, check out what can do:
  1. Search by Walk Score. Now this is cool. You can decide what your minimum walkable criteria is when you search for properties.
  2. Sort by Walk Score. If you can search by Walk Score, you should be able to sort by Walk Score too. Just click in the "sort by" box at the top of the results and choose "Walk Score, Highest First" to order the search results from highest to lowest Walk Score.
  3. View the Walk Score in both the search results and property details. Every time you search for property you'll find out just how walkable the area is!
  4. View the Walk Score tile. When you click on the "Walk Score" link at the top-right of the property details area, you’ll see the Walk Score tile that shows all of the amenities that are factored into the score.
We hope you'll enjoy using Walk Score as much as we enjoyed building it into our system. We're really excited to say that we’re one of the first providers of this type of functionality. We spent quite some time on the UI for this feature in order to make everyone happy. And in case you haven't heard, Walk Score just improved its usefulness. Previous versions of Walk Score did not include public transportation. That is to say, a property next door to a metro station had no higher Walk Score than a property far from public transportation. Well, that's all changed now! Our latest enhancement adds mass transit to the Walk Score calculations. See for yourself now.