10 Ways to Buy a Home With Little or No Money Down in Alexandria

Julie Nesbitt
Julie Nesbitt
There are many ways to buy a home in Alexandria, even if you have little or no money to put down. Here are a few of the basics: 1. Sweat Equity Sweat Equity is a way to get a home by trading work for equity in the house. This could be used for a down payment or for purchase later. This is a great technique if you are handy with tools, yard-work, and paint. Continue reading

5 Major Reasons Why You Should Buy a Home Instead of Rent

Realtor Stuart
Realtor Stuart Nesbitt
There are times when it is better for a person to rent, but most often home ownership has many more benefits and advantages. About 10 year ago a had a retired aunt and uncle who rented a condo in Las Vegas. Uncle Jim (not his real name) was a retired minister. Throughout his career he and his wife lived in parsonages, which are homes furnished by the congregation while they ministered there. Continue reading