Adding or Removing Tenants From The Lease

Information for Renters of Property Managed by Nesbitt Realty

Any person who stays at the property 14 or more days is not a visitor but is an occupant. All occupants must be approved by the Landlord and documented in the lease or by lease addendum.

Occupants can become tenants or sub-tenants or remain occupants depending upon what arrangements you work out with your landlord. Here are the differences between those terms:

  • An occupant is someone who resides at the property with the tenant and landlord's permission. In all cases the occupant must sign an acknowledgment that occupancy ends when your tenancy ends.
  • A subtenant is a person who pays you (the tenant) rent to reside at the property. The landlord is not responsible for collecting rent from the subtenant and it is the tenant's responsibility to manage the subtenant.
  • A cotenant is a tenant, like you, who has all the same rights and responsibilities at the home. No matter how many tenants are at the property, rent is due and payable in a single instrument, which is a fancy way of saying in “one check” or in one payment.

Tenant Services

Tools, tips and services for tenants in properties managed by Nesbitt Realty.


How & where to pay rent as well as frequently asked questions about late fees and other rent questions.

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How to report maintenance issues. You may also wish to look at this information about repairs during tenancy.
