East Falls Church business district what is in red is now I-66

What’s the commute like from River Towers condos?

Woodrow Wilson Bridge
Woodrow Wilson Bridge closes the Potomac near River Towers
River Towers is served by a well developed road system near US Rt. 1, I-495, the Woodrow Wilson Bridge, and the George Washington Parkway. Because most of the homes around the area were built more than 40 years ago and because there is minimal opportunity or cause for cut-through traffic, the surrounding area is relatively free from the congestion that is commonplace in the Washington Metro Region.
Approximate Commute Times by Car (in minutes)
Typical Rush Hour
Fort Belvoir 12 16
Old Town Alexandria 5 10
Crystal City 10 15
Pentagon 12 18
Rosslyn 18 22
Springfield 20 25
Washington DC 20 35
Huntington Metro 2 3
For cameras and traffic updates we find Trafficland helpful, but country clubs, parks and rivers generally don't generate much traffic!   parking