Seven Data About 22304

Photo of 5340 Holmes Run Pkwy #509

Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart NesbittStuar

Stuart Nesbitt is very knowledgeable about Alexandria real estate and well versed in the process from the home buyer's side. Contact Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about real estate in Alexandria. Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.

It’s not hard to see why people like 22304.

  1. You might want to compare 22304 to Pavilion On the Park.
  2. Properties range from $139,500 to $1,598,500.
  3. Properties in 22304 typically have 1 to 10 bedrooms.
  4. Properties in 22304 typically do not have basements.
  5. 22304 provides air conditioning, electricity, heat, master insurance policy, management, rec faclty, reserve funds, road maint, security, sewer, snow removal, trash removal, water, exercise room, and sauna in the community fees.
  6. Residents here are served by Bren Mar Park, Douglas Macarthur, James K. Polk, Jefferson-Houston, John Adams, Lyles-Crouch, Patrick Henry, Samuel W. Tucker, and Weyanoke Elementary Schools.
  7. 22304 homes typically do have garages.

Properties in Pavilion On the Park

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$139,500 in 22304

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Nesbitt Inspirational
Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. -George Washington Carver

Stuart Nesbitt

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Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.