12 Facts To Measure About Preston

Photo of 181 Reed Ave E #312 Stuart Nesbitt knows the neighborhoods of the City of Alexandria very well and that helps buyers think through the best location for their home purchase. Contact Stuart Nesbitt to learn more about real estate in Preston.

Talk to your real estate agent to put these facts about Preston in perspective.

  1. Properties in Preston typically do not have basements.
  2. The average age of garden-style condos on the market in Preston is 14 years.
  3. Properties in Preston typically have 1 to 3 bedrooms.
  4. The average above grade living area in Preston is 1,176 sq.ft.
  5. You might want to compare Preston to Overlook.
  6. The most popular style of property on the market today is Contemporary.
  7. Many were built in 2003.
  8. T.C. Williams High School serves Preston.
  9. Commuters from Preston have the benefit of public bus service, and airport – 2-5 miles.
  10. Middle school children at Preston attend George Washington Middle School.
  11. Residents here are served by Cora Kelly Magnet Elementary School.
  12. Preston provides common area maintenance, exterior building maintenance, master insurance policy, rec faclty, reserve funds, snow removal, and exercise room in the community fees.

Properties in Preston

Questions, comments, concerns?

Call us at (703)765-0300 or email us using this form. We’re happy to help you achieve your real estate goals. Our real estate agents care about our clients and love to help you achieve your real estate goals.

Suggested Comparables

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Nesbitt Inspirational
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. -John F. Kennedy

Aubrey Nesbitt

View posts by Aubrey Nesbitt
Aubrey Nesbitt is a native of Northern Virginia who attended Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a veteran of the US Army and helps his family business by providing informational articles like this one. In addition to photography and blogging, Aubrey provides administrative support for the office. Aubrey is a service-disabled retired veteran and a part of our family. We give him the opportunity to work at the office and on the web as part of his recovery. The opinions and statements presented by Aubrey are his own and we don't necessarily agree with them.