10 Real Estate Facts About 22304

Photo of 1283 van Dorn St

Does 22304 suit your needs?

  1. The most popular style of property on the market today is Colonial.
  2. 22304 provides exterior building maintenance, lawn maintenance, master insurance policy, management, other, parking fee, road maint, reserve funds, water, trash removal, and snow removal in the community fees.
  3. 22304 homes typically do have garages.
  4. The average age of townhouses on the market in 22304 is 24 years.
  5. You might want to compare 22304 to Landsdowne.
  6. Middle school children at 22304 attend Francis C Hammond, Francis C. Hammond, George Washington, Holmes, and Minnie Howard Middle Schools.
  7. Properties in 22304 typically have 1 to 10 bedrooms.
  8. Properties range from $132,880 to $2,995,000.
  9. Residents here are served by Bren Mar Park, Douglas Macarthur, James K. Polk, Jefferson-Houston, John Adams, Lyles-Crouch, Patrick Henry, Samuel W. Tucker, and Weyanoke Elementary Schools.
  10. Annandale, Edison, T.C. Williams, and Thomas Jefferson High Schools serves 22304.

Properties in Parkside At Alexandria

Talk to an agent now.

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Stuart and Andrew
Nesbitt Realty is a family-business and we appreciate the opportunity to service. Call us at (703)765-0300 for a personal consultation. You can also email us at [email protected]. If you’d prefer to work with a family-run business, contact Nesbitt Realty. For buying or selling at 22304 contact us.

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Stuart Nesbitt

View posts by Stuart Nesbitt
Stuart Nesbitt is a Realtor® licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. His office is located in Fairfax County near the City of Alexandria in Belle Haven. He was born and raised in Northern Virginia and attended Fairfax County schools. Call him at any time to discuss your real estate needs.