Selling Homes With Pets

Good ole Fritz
Owning a pet, which six out of 10 U.S. households do, can be a problem for both sellers and practitioners seeking buyers. Sellers with pets should do their best to eradicate pet odor. "Odor is the biggest obstacle,” says Trudy Severa, an associate with Long and Foster's North Hills office in Reston, Va. "Anyone who is sensitive or with allergies is going to be put off." Pet hair is another turnoff for fussy people or those with allergies. A professional cleaning as well as frequent vacuuming can help. It is also a good idea to remove the evidence of pet residents, including getting rid of dog doors, linoleum in unlikely places, even pet crates. During showings it is smart to relocate pets because some potential buyers may find them objectionable, no matter how cute they are or where they are contained. Source: Washington Times, Lisa Rauschart (12/03/2010)
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